Tuesday 6 November 2012

How to Access session variable in jquery / Access session variable in web service / webmethod

Hi Friends,
I had face following problem regarding maintaining state in the stateless world of HTTP.

  • Access Session variable Inside Static methods.
  • Access session variable in web service / web method
  • Access session variable in ASP.Net App_Code
  • Get session variable in jquery / JavaScript 

Solutions :

How to access Session variable Inside Static methods / web service / web method

 We can access session using System.Web.SessionState.HttpSessionState   class.

By default, ASP.NET session support for each Web method is turned off. we have to explicitly
enable session support for each Web method that wants to use session state.
This is done by adding the EnableSession property to the WebMethod attribute of your

VB.NET Code:

VB.NET Code:
<WebMethod(EnableSession:=True)> _
    Public Function SetSessionVar() As Integer
        Dim cnt As Integer
        If HttpContext.Current.Session("mysession") Is Nothing Then
            cnt = 1
            cnt = convert.ToInt16(HttpContext.Current.Session("mysession")) + 1
        End If
        Context.Session("mysession") = cnt
        Return cnt
    End Function

C# Code :

  [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
    public static int SetSessionVar()
        int cnt;
        if(HttpContext.Current.Session("mysession") = null )
        { cnt = 1 ;
        { cnt = Convert.ToInt16(HttpContext.Current.Session("mysession")) + 1 ;
        HttpContext.Current.Session("mysession") = cnt ;
        return  cnt;

Solution : Access session variable in ASP.Net App_Code

If you want to get or set session inside App_Code class file then you must use .

To Set Value to Session variable
HttpContext.Current.Session("mysession") = "Tarun"

To Get Value to Session variable

Myvariable = HttpContext.Current.Session("mysession")

Get session variable in j query / JavaScript 

var mysessionItem = '<% Session("mysession") %>'

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